Sunday 5 November 2017

I'm back!

Wow, looong hiatus. It's only been four years!

I honestly never thought I'd return to this, but I recently revisited the blog to remove some images (the person who originally sent them to me had a change of heart) and I dunno... seeing the old place seems to have re-ignited the creative spark.

I can't promise anything regular - I'm more busy now than I ever was before. But I've just bashed out 5 captions in one evening so who knows!


  1. So glad you're back. Your captions have always been the best. :-)

  2. I never knew you left but I am glad you're back! I just discovered your site and have read quite a few of your caps. They are really very good. I hope you stick with it now I have found a site I truly enjoy. You are indeed talented tying your photo to the story. I wish I knew more about you, maybe someday I will get lucky!

