Sunday 25 February 2018

A Sister's Whim - Alone Time (6/24)

Oops! As if Mia wouldn't have taken precautions... and now he has to pay the price! What would you get up to in his shoes? 🍹

Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8


  1. He had better pace himself. A lot of new adventures ahead.

  2. Idk, I would have forced him to go on a couple of blind dates that his sister secretly set up while she was gone. I also would have added a Cinderella twist to it with the stroke of midnight.

  3. I simply love this series. It's so much fun! Sisters can be so devious. My older sisters made live hell until I was about 12 years old. Although, they never dressed me up. Maybe they thought I'd like it too much. They certainly had the opportunity.

    I'm looking for many more installments!

    Thanks Em!!!


  4. I just hope there will come a part 8 someday
